" airmata... berpuisilah di dadaku, tuangkan apa saja tentang luka dan kesedihan "

You're Beautiful Poetry, illustrated Without Grief ...

Your poetry is beautiful, painted without sorrow, gushing from the heart, full of love ...

poem is beautiful , written on sheets happy, represents a flowering heart picture, colorful love ...

Much like twilight, came never linger long, your love just drop it ..

At that never understood, whispered kuhinggapkan heart, my love is not just poetry, but sincerely never divided ...

I was only able to mutter, when you did not read my poems, a declaration of love in it, just old news ...

Twilight sky laugh, to shed tears, joy greet me was soaked, showered with hugs longing ...

This cloudy, runs from the western sky, the roof partly covered veranda, which are enlivened drizzle singing, reminiscent of a sweet smile ....


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